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Policy Brief: Education in Conflict: Disrupted Education a View from Inside Syria

The conflict in Syria has had a devastating impact on the education system of the country. According to recent estimates, 2.4 million children (aged 5-17) are out of school, representing half of the children population in Syria (UNICEF, 2022). The international and the Government of Syria have worked on several interventions to assist the education sector over the last decade. The international community aims to help Syria achieve the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 4). SDG 4 is to “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.” The policy brief outlines the current education situation in Syria. Secondly, it provides insights based on the SDG 4 pillars of access, quality, and inclusion. Lastly, it provides insights from interventions conducted in Syria during the conflict.

This policy brief is derived from a forthcoming academic paper summarizing the key outcomes and implications of the systematic literature review and analysis conducted at the end of 2022. Hammad, S. and Cochrane, L. (Under Review) Disrupted Education for Out-of-School Children Inside Syria: A Critical Literature Review and Lessons for Policy and Practice. European Journal of Development Research.


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Policy Brief: Syria