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Accessible Digital Textbook

Created On November 25, 2023 Last Modified On April 29, 2024

With initial funding from the UNICEF Innovation Fund, efforts commenced to develop and trial an accessible digital textbook in Kenya. This initiative was spurred by existing investments made by the Government of Kenya in acquiring digital devices, alongside a call for assistance in creating accessible digital content. Supported by a conducive policy environment, notably the new Ministry of Education Sector Policy for Learners and Trainees with Disabilities, UNICEF Kenya facilitated collaborative efforts across public and private sectors, engaging colleagues from different offices to enable vital partnerships, setting a precedent for similar ventures globally.


Expanding on these foundations, additional resources from the Finnish National Committee for UNICEF, in collaboration with Nokia, were secured. This shared-value partnership allowed for the more comprehensive implementation and testing of the digital textbook across a broader spectrum of schools. The primary aim was to enhance learning outcomes for all children, focusing on marginalized groups and leveraging innovative digital solutions.


As a result of these collaborative efforts and partnerships, the accessible digital textbook was trialed in diverse school settings in Kenya. The initiative aimed to capture the perspectives of various children, including those from marginalized communities, through human-interest stories. These narratives provided insights into the real-world impact of the digital textbook on learning experiences and outcomes, shedding light on the potential of digital solutions to address educational disparities.


The successful development and testing of the accessible digital textbook in Kenya underscore the importance of collaborative partnerships and innovative approaches in addressing educational challenges. By leveraging resources from both the public and private sectors, alongside supportive policy frameworks, UNICEF Kenya demonstrated the potential of digital technologies to enhance learning outcomes, particularly for marginalized children. The human-interest stories captured during the testing phase are powerful testimonies to the transformative impact of digital solutions in education, emphasizing the importance of inclusive approaches to ensure that no child is left behind in the pursuit of quality education.


E-Learning Platforms & Digital Classrooms

Educational Technology Policies
Created On February 12, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024