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Integrated Essential Emergency Education Services (IEEES)

Created On November 20, 2023 Last Modified On April 29, 2024
Context and Issue

The IEEES project, funded by USAID and executed by UNICEF and its partners in South Sudan, spans three years. Its objective is to enhance the retention of the most vulnerable boys and girls in schools by offering consistent learning opportunities. Additionally, it aims to enhance their educational outcomes, protection levels, and resilience amidst violent conflict. The project targets an additional 300,000 girls and boys, with 38% being girls, building upon the previous Emergency Education Project's aim of 300,000 learners. By 2020, the IEEES aims to increase the target beneficiaries to 600,000 learners. Ultimately, the project seeks to bolster resilience and aid in recovering South Sudanese children, adolescents, and their families by establishing connections with other sectors and providing psychosocial support.


The key elements of the intervention included (i) enhancing the school environment by establishing new child-friendly Temporary Learning Spaces (TLS) in 296 schools and renovating 165 classrooms; (ii) supplying fundamental school materials, including 2,731 teacher kits and 10,569 student kits; and (iii) providing incentive assistance to 6,724 volunteer teachers, of whom 3,203 were female.


The IEEES initiative offers a sense of regularity and optimism for children and teenagers to pursue their education even amidst challenging conditions. This is demonstrated by a rise in the desire for education, particularly in regions where refugees or internally displaced persons (IDPs) are resettling. Returnees actively seek enrollment in IEEES project schools or learning centres in these areas. Consequently, there has been a notable increase in enrollment and attendance rates across all supported project schools. The emergency education project has spurred greater demand for education among parents, communities, and educators.


The evaluation studies need to understand the significance of the triangulation of data collection to ensure the deeper nuances regarding the intervention to inform better programmatic changes for future implementation of the projects.








Multicultural and Inclusive Curriculum Projects

Curriculum & Instruction Policies
Created On February 12, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024