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School Readiness Camp

Created On July 11, 2024 Last Modified On July 22, 2024

Lao PDR has made progress in improving its education system, but significant challenges remain, particularly in ensuring equitable access and enhancing the quality of education. Initiatives like the School Readiness Camp are vital in addressing specific needs, such as preparing pre-primary students for primary school and improving literacy rates. Continued support from the government and international partners is essential for sustaining these efforts and achieving long-term educational development in Lao PDR


The School Readiness Camp is a key activity under the Improved Literacy of School-Age Children component of the USDA-funded School Lunch Project 2021-2025 by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in Lao PDR, in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Sports (MOES) and the World Food Programme (WFP).

The camp's primary goal is to enhance pre-primary students' oral Lao language skills, preparing them for Grade 1 by providing opportunities to listen, understand, and practice speaking Lao. Additionally, the camp aims to acclimate students to a classroom environment, introducing them to reading, writing, and print materials to develop their understanding of print.

Ultimately, the camp seeks to instill readiness, enthusiasm, and competence in pre-primary learners, helping them acquire reading skills in Grade 1, stay engaged in their education, and continue developing their literacy, thereby improving the overall literacy of school-age children in Lao PDR.


Based on the latest data from 2023, 1,228 children participated in the readiness camp, and 81% completed both the baseline and endline assessments. As a component of a larger program, the success of this initiative will contribute to achieving the overall objectives of the school lunch program.


The School Readiness Camp is a promising initiative that addresses critical gaps in early childhood education in Lao PDR. Its success, indicated by high participation and assessment completion rates, demonstrates its potential for positive impact. The model can be replicated and scaled with thoughtful adaptation and strategic planning in other regions facing similar educational challenges, contributing to improved literacy and educational outcomes globally.



Ministry of Education and Sports (MOES) World Food Programme (WFP). USDA


Lao Peoples Democratic Republic







Early childhood development

Created On November 16, 2023 Last Modified On July 7, 2024