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Strengthening Education Systems for Out-of-School Children

Created On March 21, 2024 Last Modified On April 29, 2024
Context and issue

 In the Asia-Pacific region, despite ongoing efforts to provide basic education, progress toward universal primary education has stagnated, with approximately 18 million children out of school. The project targets countries with an estimated 3 million out-of-school children within this context. Governments face the challenge of ensuring adequate learning opportunities for these children, many of whom cannot access formal schooling due to various barriers.


 The Strengthening Education System for Out-of-School Children project aimed to enhance institutional capacity in Southeast Asia to provide learning opportunities for out-of-school children. It focused on creating a supportive environment for schooling through sustainable systems and program delivery. Over 50,000 out-of-school children were expected to benefit from flexible learning programs equivalent to formal education. Strategies include policy reviews, regional commitments, capacity building, and program improvements.


The project achieved most of its targets, surpassing OOSC enrollment goals and driving regional policy advocacy with the ASEAN Declaration. This led to new initiatives and proposals supporting out-of-school children. However, reporting requirements and data alignment challenges caused delays and additional resource allocation for data cleaning. Despite these challenges, the partnership between EAC and UNESCO was positive, with good communication and collaboration.


The project's success in achieving its targets illustrates the importance of regional collaboration and advocacy in addressing the issue of out-of-school children. The ASEAN Declaration represents a significant milestone in promoting education for all children, regardless of nationality or citizenship. However, improvements in reporting processes are necessary to streamline operations. Overall, the project demonstrates the potential for collective action to address complex educational challenges in the region.




UNESCO Bangkok Office





Multicultural and Inclusive Curriculum Projects

Curriculum & Instruction Policies
Created On February 12, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024