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Working Paper : Disrupted education a view from inside Syria: Critical literature review and lessons for policy and practice

Authors :  Suzanne H. Hammad, Ph.D, Dr. Logan Cochrane


UNSDG 4 seeks inclusive and quality education for all. However, over 250 million children and youth worldwide are not in school. Military conflict is a root cause, and the case of Syria is a case in point, yet one for which limited research exists. This critical review assesses the available evidence on the causes and consequences within Syria according to SDG dimensions of access, quality, and inclusion. The challenges identified require attention to systems, not just symptoms, as well as integrated interventions that address the diverse needs of children and youth. Attention to the education system in Syria is additionally important as it is expected that millions of refugees may return to Syria, putting demands on an already inadequate system. Utilizing available evidence and scaling up based on lessons learned is critical for meeting the needs of Syrian children and youth.

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