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Working Paper Series : Dynamics of Education in Post-Conflict Somalia - The Case of out of school Children in Mogadishu

Authors:  Dr Abdifatah Ismael Ismael Tahir, Dr. Logan Cochrane

In this paper, we explore the critical issue of out-of-school children, a topic that has hitherto received scant attention in Somalia and other conflict or post-conflict settings. Our objective is to shed light on the multifaceted factors contributing to its occurrence and perpetuation. These include protracted conflict, substantial economic barriers, and deep-seated cultural prejudices. By focusing on Mogadishu – a city notably encumbered by the dual burdens of conflict and displacement and has consequently become a focal point for international aid –, we show that the issue of out-of-school children is emblematic of broader social, economic, and political processes. To address the root causes, therefore, interventions require a more strategic and politically salient approach that contextually considers both the technical and political dimensions of the problem. Data for this paper was gathered through a qualitative approach. Desk research, which involved a comprehensive review of existing literature and document analysis, formed the foundational layer. To complement this, key informant interviews were employed to obtain direct insights from educators, policymakers, community workers, and professionals who have first-hand experience with the educational challenges in Somalia.

Keywords: Somali, Mogadishu, education, out-of-school children, conflict, and post-conflict .

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