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Working Paper Series: Out-of-School Children in Ethiopia: Impacts of Climate Change and Political Instability

Authors: Tesfaye Semela and Logan Cochrane


Education is a human right and all children are entitled quality and inclusive education no matter where they are. However, more than 30 million children and adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa are being denied this right, while the underlying reasons are not sufficiently investigated. The present article goes beyond depicting out-of-school rates by addressing the practical observations of educational practitioners and researchers with hands-on experience. The study is based on a reanalysis of education statistics, and data from government reports, a scoping literature review, and semi-structured interviews and follow-up survey with education experts and educational researchers. The findings show that climate-induced environmental emergencies, armed conflict, and household food insecurity are the most important factors to addressing educational opportunities for all children and adolescents in Ethiopia. Finally, the study forwards a short- and long-term policy suggestion that helps to ensure the educational rights of children and adolescents in Ethiopia and beyond.

Keywords: Climate Change, Child Education, Conflict, Environmental Stressors. Food Insecurity Out-Of-School-Children, Ethiopia.

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