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Adopt a School Initiative

Created On November 25, 2023 Last Modified On April 28, 2024

Nigeria faces a significant education challenge, with the highest number of primary-level out-of-school children (OOSC) globally, amounting to 10.5 million children, representing 14% of the global OOSC population. Additionally, six million of the 36 million out-of-school girls worldwide are Nigerian, mainly concentrated in the Northern states where up to two-thirds of primary-age children are out of school. Various barriers contribute to this, including poverty, child labor, gender disparities, and inadequate infrastructure and resources.


The project aims to address these challenges by adopting 100 public primary schools across Nigeria, focusing on 47 schools in Northern states with high numbers of OOSC. These adopted schools will receive infrastructural improvements, establishment of Walk-in-Centres for OOSC, provision of daily meals to incentivize attendance, teaching and learning materials, teacher training, and capacity building for School-Based Management Committee (SBMC) members and State Universal Basic Education Boards (SUBE) to support school operations and facilitate OOSC enrollment.


Despite challenges, the Oando Foundation (OF) exceeded its life-of-project enrollment target by 2%, enrolling 60,955 OOSC against a target of 60,000. Moreover, OF achieved or surpassed 73% of its outcome and output targets, with none falling below 50%. This performance suggests that the OF project has achieved its objectives successfully.


The detailed and comprehensive report presented by OF on the three-year Grant Agreement (GA), supported by evidence and diagrams, indicates a well-executed project. By surpassing enrollment targets and achieving a high percentage of outcome and output goals, OF has demonstrated effectiveness in addressing the education crisis in Nigeria and making tangible improvements in access to education for out-of-school children.




Oando Foundation (OF)





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Created On February 11, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024