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Boxes Of Wonder

Created On November 25, 2023 Last Modified On April 29, 2024
Context and Issue

The European Refugee and Migration Crisis saw a decrease in daily arrivals but longer stays from 2015 to 2017. Despite fewer arrivals, over 18,000 children, mainly from Afghanistan, Iraq, or Syria, passed through the Balkans since 2016. Many of these children were unaccompanied and vulnerable. Closed borders and limited legal options forced refugees and migrants to use dangerous smuggling routes. Save the Children assists vulnerable children and families through various initiatives. However, formal education opportunities for refugee and migrant children in Serbia remained scarce, with only a tiny fraction enrolled in schools, despite recent efforts by the Serbian Ministry of Education to address this issue.


The Programme on the Move, along with its toolkit 'Boxes of Wonder,' was created through the input of children and field workers involved in activities, drawing on child rights, childhood studies, and sociocultural theory. It began with a thorough context analysis, where children and facilitators explored children's needs and preferences and how to involve children in empowering experiences. This analysis is ongoing to adapt activities to changing environments and monitor their impact. The toolkit provides materials and activities for flexible implementation, accommodating varying participation numbers and durations. Initially, 11 boxes were developed, which can be used together or independently. The methodology encourages adjusting existing boxes and creating new ones tailored to the location and beneficiary of children's specific needs.


Access to psychosocial support (PSS) and informal educational opportunities result in beneficial transformations in a child's demeanor, such as heightened enthusiasm for learning, enhanced self-assurance, increased self-awareness, and a deeper comprehension of their rights and opportunities.


The context and conditions of refugees vary in different countries. Some might have faced extreme experiences so they might be reluctant to be part of this type of learning experience.


Outreach Initiatives for Vulnerable and Marginalized

Access and equity policies
Created On February 11, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024