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Created On March 21, 2024 Last Modified On March 24, 2024

Context and Issue
Côte d’Ivoire has been marked by conflict over the past decade, stemming from events like the 1999 coup d’état and subsequent violent episodes in 2002, 2007, and 2011. This prolonged conflict has deeply affected various sectors, including education, leading to chronic under-investment, low enrolment rates, and a shortage of qualified teachers. The country's net enrolment rates are among the lowest in Africa, with certain regions like Odiénné and Korhogo experiencing rates significantly below the national average. Additionally, access to education is hindered in areas like the south of Bouaké and Bondoukou due to inadequate infrastructure.

Implemented in collaboration with EAC, Save the Children is executing the Build a Future project in Côte d’Ivoire to address the education challenges faced by communities affected by years of violence. The project aims to enhance access to quality primary education by empowering communities to establish their schools in areas lacking public access. It involves constructing 300 temporary and 450 permanent classrooms across 180 communities, selected based on their willingness and capability to support the project. Communities receive financial and capacity-building support to develop and manage their schools. Targeted regions include Odiénné, Korhogo, Bouaké, and Bondoukou in the Northern and Central parts of the country. The project aims to enroll 28,800 out-of-school children in these newly established schools.

The Build a Future project has proven successful overall. It demonstrated innovation by enabling 180 communities to construct three-classroom schools with only 25% of the funding provided by Save the Children (EAC funds). Despite some schools not completing as planned, most indicators achieved 100% of their targets. The project's success lies in its community-centered approach and the cooperation of Save the Children in addressing reporting weaknesses.


The project's success can be attributed to its innovative approach and emphasis on community involvement. However, the sustainability of these community schools depends on government support and integration into the public school system. Save the Children plans to build the capacity of local NGOs to gradually take on more significant roles in project implementation and advocate for the incorporation of new schools into the public education system. Continuing collaboration between stakeholders and sustained funding will ensure similar initiatives' long-term success and impact.


Save the Children


Cote D Ivoire





Outreach Initiatives for Vulnerable and Marginalized

Access and equity policies
Created On February 11, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024