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Building a Resilient and Responsive Education System

Created On November 25, 2023 Last Modified On April 29, 2024
Context and Issue

Jordan's education system has faced significant challenges in recent years, with multiple crises impacting access to quality education for all. The Syrian refugee crisis, global economic instability, and the COVID-19 pandemic have collectively exerted immense strain on the country's educational landscape. These crises have amplified existing vulnerabilities and exposed the need for a more responsive and resilient education system capable of withstanding and adapting to unforeseen disruptions.


Recognizing this situation's urgency, UNESCO has supported the efforts of Jordan's Ministry of Education (MoE) and national institutions since 2019. The primary objective of this collaboration is to improve the responsiveness and resilience of the country's education system to crises through solid governance and information management systems. By strengthening evidence-based planning, monitoring, and decision-making processes, this initiative aims to equip the education sector with the tools and frameworks to navigate and mitigate the impacts of crises effectively.


The efforts undertaken by UNESCO, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and national institutions in Jordan, have yielded valuable evidence and learning regarding building a solid enabling institutional environment. This environment is crucial for strengthening evidence-based crisis and risk-sensitive planning and monitoring within the education sector.

Through this initiative, Jordan has taken significant strides toward enhancing the resilience and adaptability of its education system. Improved governance and information management systems have facilitated more informed decision-making, enabling the Ministry of Education to respond effectively to emerging challenges and mitigate potential risks. Additionally, strengthening evidence-based planning and monitoring processes has fostered a data-driven approach to educational policy and program development, ensuring that interventions are tailored to the specific needs and contexts of the country's diverse student population.


The case study of Jordan's collaboration with UNESCO highlights the critical importance of building robust institutional frameworks and capacities to support crisis-resilient education systems. By prioritizing strong governance, effective information management, and evidence-based planning and monitoring, this initiative has empowered Jordan's education sector to navigate the complexities of multiple crises while maintaining a steadfast commitment to ensuring access to quality education for all.

The learnings derived from this experience offer valuable insights for other countries and organizations seeking to enhance the resilience of their education systems in the face of crises. By adapting and contextualizing these learnings, they can inform the development of tailored strategies and mechanisms that enable effective crisis response, risk mitigation, and continued educational opportunities for students, even in the most challenging circumstances.


Data Analytics for Education Management

Educational Technology Policies
Created On February 12, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024