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Created On July 7, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024
Context and Issue

The skills individuals acquire throughout their education are often misaligned with the demands of the job market. This mismatch leaves young talent globally disengaged from employers, leading to unprecedented levels of attrition. Existing job search and preparation tools are often tedious, fragmented, and overly generalized, failing to engage users effectively. There is a significant market need to address this problem, with the US alone spending approximately $375 billion annually to bridge the Education-to-Employment gap.


CareerGenie is a mobile-based, gamified Career Manager designed to transform the typically transactional job search process into a meaningful career journey. It features an intelligent career explorer, personalized career pathways, tailored job recommendations, and interview preparation tools. The platform has provided its users with the option to make their career journey in a gamified, interactive way. Moreover, this solution allows the users to personalize the whole experience according to their requirements.


The Beta version of the app has over 1,500 downloads, facilitated the creation of 600+ pathways, and mapped over 9,000 skills from job seekers. However, these are some initial updates on the app; longitudinal data would help identify the overall long-run impact and sustainability of the application.


Such an application has a good use case; however, it is crucial to understand that the market is currently ready for such solutions. For instance, in countries where there is limited internet access or a lack of digital literacy, such interventions might not be effective. Another issue with such services is that they may further create inequalities due to digital exclusion.






Career Counselling & Job Placement Services

Higher Education & Lifelong Learning Policies
Created On February 11, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024