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Created On June 27, 2024 Last Modified On August 6, 2024
Context and Issue

In Ethiopia's remote regions like Afar, Amhara, SNNPR, and Oromiya, girls faced severe educational challenges, including high dropout rates due to early marriage, risky migration, and heavy domestic chores. Schools lacked safe environments and essential learning materials, and teachers were often undertrained. Prevailing gender norms and limited access to sanitary pads further hindered girls' education. The CHANGE project was initiated to address these barriers and improve educational outcomes for marginalized girls.


The CHANGE project, implemented by People In Need from 2018 to October 2023, aimed to support up to 31,000 marginalized girls in Ethiopia, focusing on improving literacy and numeracy. Targeting girls aged 10-19 in remote areas such as Afar, Amhara, SNNPR, and Oromiya, the project increased enrollment, attendance, and learning by providing alternative learning programs and training teachers in gender-sensitive education. It facilitated girls' enrollment in accelerated learning structures and provided families with funds for income-generating activities, promoting a savings culture among Self Help Groups (SHGs). Key activities included delivering Alternative Basic Education for girls aged 10-14, Integrated Adult Functional Literacy for girls aged 15-19, linking TVET programs to employment, establishing 650 self-help groups, and creating girls’ clubs for both in-school and out-of-school girls.

Resources were allocated to improve learning facilities, including gender-segregated toilets and sanitary pads. The project engaged communities to change attitudes toward girls' education and monitored harmful practices, with reporting mechanisms for at-risk children. The project trained 70 facilitators in inclusive teaching methods, constructed 129 learning centers, and established 219 community action groups. During the COVID-19 pandemic, it developed home-based learning, provided emergency cash assistance, and distributed hygiene supplies.


The CHANGE project, implemented by People In Need from 2018 to October 2023, significantly improved educational outcomes for marginalized girls in Ethiopia. The project increased literacy and numeracy skills, with average scores rising from less than 28% at baseline to 37.5% in literacy and 56.2% in numeracy, and 88% of girls reported improved learning outcomes. Attendance rates were high, with 94.2% of enrolled out-of-school girls attending at least 70% of the class time. Additionally, 61% of girls successfully transitioned to formal education, vocational training, or income-generating activities, surpassing the target of 53%, with 3,050 girls starting income-generating activities. The project fostered sustainability by increasing girls' confidence in economic decision-making, improving parents' attitudes towards girls' education, and retaining 147 trained facilitators in the formal education system. Mechanisms for reporting violations were established in 97% of target centers, and 99% of trained facilitators used gender-sensitive, child-centered, and inclusive teaching methods. Community attitudes shifted positively, with 84% of parents supporting their daughters' education, exceeding the project target of 75%. Overall, the project demonstrated high effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability, leading to significant improvements in girls' education and empowerment, and creating long-lasting positive changes in community attitudes and policy implications for girls' education.


The CHANGE project improved educational outcomes for marginalized girls in Ethiopia's remote regions by addressing barriers like early marriage, risky migration, and lack of safe school environments. It enhanced literacy and numeracy skills, increased attendance, and facilitated transitions to formal education or income-generating activities. By engaging communities and addressing key educational barriers, the project fostered positive changes in community attitudes and policy frameworks, setting a precedent for future outreach initiatives. However, government support is essential for the success and sustainability of such projects. Countries with unstable politics and inconsistent policies may struggle to replicate these results, as strong government backing and a stable political environment are crucial for long-term success.


Outreach Initiatives for Vulnerable and Marginalized

Access and equity policies
Created On February 11, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024