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Children's Learning Centers

Created On November 25, 2023 Last Modified On April 25, 2024
Context and Issue

Despite extensive endeavors by the Government of Bangladesh and various development partners in recent years, approximately 10% of primary school-aged children in the country still face significant barriers to accessing education, particularly those living in impoverished households in remote rural areas and urban slums. While over 17 million children have been enrolled in primary schools, high enrolment rates obscure systemic challenges, with up to half of grade one enrollees failing to complete their primary education. 


The Children’s Learning Centers project endeavors to establish 1,000 new Community Learning Centers (CLCs) across five districts in Bangladesh: Noakhali, Laxmipur, Chittagong, Mymensingh, and Netrokona. This initiative, spearheaded by the Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM), strategically selects locations based on the areas with the most significant educational needs and the minor provision of educational facilities. Each CLC is designed to accommodate 30 students, specifically targeting those who have never attended school or have dropped out of the mainstream education system. The project aimed to achieve several vital objectives focused on addressing educational disparities and reaching marginalized children. 


Through establishing CLCs, the project endeavors to significantly enhance educational access and opportunities for underserved communities. By targeting out-of-school children and providing tailored educational support, the initiative can potentially transform the lives of thousands of marginalized youths. Additionally, by investing in teacher training and community capacity building, the project seeks to create sustainable educational ecosystems in the selected districts, fostering long-term positive outcomes.


The emphasis on collective action and community involvement emphasizes the potential for long-term sustainability and success of the Children’s Learning Centers project. By engaging local stakeholders and empowering community members to take ownership of CLCs, the initiative ensures relevance and responsiveness to local needs. It harnesses a sense of ownership and commitment among beneficiaries. This bottom-up approach enhances the effectiveness of the intervention. It cultivates a shared responsibility and collective action culture, laying the groundwork for sustainable educational development in the targeted districts.




Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM)







Community & Parental Engagement Projects

School Choice & Completion Policies
Created On February 11, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024