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Created On March 12, 2024 Last Modified On March 24, 2024
Context and Issue

Despite extensive endeavors by the Government of Bangladesh and various development partners, almost half of the children entering grade one fail to complete their primary education. Furthermore, the quality of primary schooling remains notably deficient, with only a mere 2% of children meeting the expected competencies by the end of grade five. Consequently, Bangladesh has a significantly lower literacy rate than many other developing nations, standing at approximately 50%. This deficiency in education perpetuates a lack of basic skills among the emerging workforce, hindering the nation's efforts to uplift itself from poverty.


The Children’s Learning Centers project addresses these challenges by establishing 1,000 new community learning centers (CLCs) across five districts: Noakhali, Laxmipur, Chittagong, Mymensingh, and Netrokona. Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM) meticulously selects the locations for these CLCs based on areas with the highest need and limited educational provisions. Each CLC accommodates 30 students and exclusively enrolls those who have never attended school or have dropped out. The project's objectives include enrolling 40,000 out-of-school children (OOSC), training 1,000 teachers, recruiting and training 159 staff members, and training community members for effective CLC management. Additionally, 1,000 Community Action Groups (CAGs) and 1,000 Center Management Committees (CMCs) receive training to oversee attendance, enrollment, and performance.


The project has yielded overall satisfactory outcomes, successfully enrolling 39,745 children out of the targeted 40,000. Key indicators, such as establishing children's learning centers, training tutors and staff, and forming center management committees and community action groups, are progressing as planned.


The Children’s Learning Centers project demonstrates a proactive approach to tackling the primary education challenges in Bangladesh. By strategically establishing CLCs in underserved regions and targeting children who have not previously had access to education, the project has made significant strides in improving educational accessibility. The successful enrollment and progress on key indicators underscore the project's effectiveness in achieving its objectives and contributing to the advancement of primary education in Bangladesh.




Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM)







Innovative Pedagogical Approaches

Curriculum & Instruction Policies
Created On February 12, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024