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Classroom Monitor

Created On July 28, 2024 Last Modified On August 4, 2024
Context and Analysis

Schools faced significant challenges in assessing and tracking pupil progress, relying on cumbersome and time-consuming spreadsheet methods that led to inefficiencies and inaccuracies. Traditional assessment methods lacked the flexibility to align with diverse curriculums and failed to provide meaningful insights for driving school improvement. Demonstrating pupil progress to inspectors, governors, and parents was also daunting, requiring extensive manual reporting and last-minute data crunching.


Classroom Monitor was developed as a comprehensive and streamlined solution to address the significant challenges of pupil assessment and tracking in schools. It was created to tackle the inefficiencies and inaccuracies of traditional methods, which relied heavily on cumbersome spreadsheets and manual data reporting. Established by Primarysite Ltd in 2005 and integrated into Juniper Education in May 2021, Classroom Monitor aimed to simplify the assessment process, reduce teacher workload, and provide powerful analytics for school improvement. The system matches any curriculum, supports both formative and summative assessments, and delivers real-time insights through advanced pupil tracking and performance analytics. Teachers can quickly enter and record assessments using online markbooks, import test data to triangulate with formative assessments, and generate meaningful reports that are easy to understand and ready for stakeholders such as Ofsted inspectors and governors. Accessible on multiple devices, including mobile phones, Classroom Monitor enhances parental engagement by sharing pupil achievements online. Key elements include curriculum flexibility, powerful analytics, comprehensive reporting, and seamless integration with existing school systems, making it a vital tool for over 2,000 schools and trusted by 53,000 educators.


Classroom Monitor has significantly improved the efficiency and effectiveness of pupil assessment in over 2,000 schools, trusted by 53,000 educators. Addressing the challenges of traditional methods has reduced the teacher workload and provided real-time insights into pupil progress. The platform's tailored assessment criteria, especially for SEND students, have been recognized in Ofsted reports, as seen at the Royal School for the Deaf Derby. Classroom Monitor streamlines reporting, saving considerable time and enabling quick generation of comprehensive reports. Its flexibility in tracking various aspects, such as life and communication skills, and the ability to import and triangulate test data has led to more informed professional judgments and effective interventions. It has transformed assessment processes, resulting in efficient data management, improved pupil tracking, and enhanced parental engagement.


Despite the positive impacts of Classroom Monitor, barriers such as the digital divide and varying levels of teacher training could affect its broader implementation. Schools in lower-income areas may lack the necessary technology infrastructure, and teachers' familiarity with digital tools can vary. However, the platform's flexible design and comprehensive support for assessments demonstrate its scalability, as evidenced by its success in over 2,000 schools. Ensuring scalability requires adequate teacher training, support, and investment in technological infrastructure. With these resources, Classroom Monitor can be effectively scaled and replicated across diverse educational settings.



Primarysite Ltd Juniper Education


United Kingdom







Student Assessment & Evaluation Tools

Quality and accountability Policies
Created On February 12, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024