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Comprehensive School Safety Assessment Suite (CSSAS)

Created On November 25, 2023 Last Modified On April 29, 2024
Context and Issue

The World Risk Index has identified the Philippines as the most disaster-prone country in the world due to its high risk, exposure, and vulnerability to various disasters and calamities. This grim reality is further exacerbated by over a dozen hazard-impact events in the region every year. These disasters affect the general population and have severe consequences for schools, learners, and their educators.

In the aftermath of such events, the damage incurred to school infrastructure can be significant, and the process of repairs and rehabilitation can be slow and arduous. Moreover, existing educational inequities are frequently heightened, with the most marginalized and vulnerable students being disproportionately affected by climate events. Research has shown that children exposed to climate shocks and school interruptions often experience lower educational performance, leading to lower educational and economic attainment in the long term.


The Comprehensive School Safety Appraisal System (CSSAS) has been introduced as a set of methods and digital tools available on mobile applications to address this critical issue. This system assists governments in undertaking multi-hazard risk assessments, enabling them to monitor, evaluate, plan, and make informed decisions to improve school safety. The CSSAS supports progress toward Comprehensive School Safety (CSS) by raising awareness and sharing information.


Since the piloting of the CSSAS in mid-2021, the initiative has gained significant traction. Users from 44,980 schools have downloaded and registered for the system, indicating a solid commitment to enhancing school safety and resilience. Furthermore, at least 28,779 users have utilized the RADAR 2.0 toolset, a component of the CSSAS, to report on 17 hazard impact events. This level of engagement and participation highlights the urgent need for comprehensive school safety measures and educational stakeholders' recognition of their importance.


Implementing the Comprehensive School Safety Appraisal System (CSSAS) in the Philippines represents a crucial step towards mitigating the devastating impacts of disasters on the education sector. By providing a robust set of tools and methodologies for risk assessment, monitoring, and decision-making, the CSSAS empowers educational institutions and authorities to proactively address potential hazards and minimize disruptions to the learning process.

The widespread adoption of the system, as evidenced by the significant number of registered users and reported hazard events, highlights the urgency and commitment to ensuring the safety and continuity of education, even in the face of recurring disasters. This initiative aims to protect physical infrastructure and addresses the broader implications of climate events and school interruptions on educational performance and long-term economic attainment.

Through the CSSAS, the Philippines is taking a proactive stance in building resilience and safeguarding the educational prospects of its students, particularly the most vulnerable and marginalized populations. By developing  a culture of preparedness and risk mitigation, this initiative serves as a model for other disaster-prone regions, emphasizing the critical role of comprehensive school safety in ensuring equitable access to quality education, regardless of environmental challenges.



Global Alliance for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience in the Education Sector (GADRRRES), Save the Children







Data Analytics for Education Management

Educational Technology Policies
Created On February 12, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024