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Curriculum Enhancement Policy at Qatar University

Created On June 5, 2024 Last Modified On August 4, 2024
Context and Issue

In the rapidly evolving landscape of higher education, it is essential for academic institutions to continuously evaluate and enhance their curricula to ensure they meet the highest standards of quality and relevance. At Qatar University (QU), the need for a robust curriculum enhancement policy arose from several key issues:

  1. Alignment with International Standards: To remain competitive globally, QU needed to ensure its programs met international accreditation standards. This required a systematic approach to curriculum review and enhancement.
  2. Market Needs and Employment Trends: With the dynamic nature of the job market, there was a pressing need to align academic programs with current and future employment trends. Ensuring that graduates possess the skills and knowledge required by employers is crucial for maintaining the university's reputation and student employability.
  3. Learning Outcomes and Quality Assurance: The emphasis on outcome-based education necessitated a policy that integrates the assessment of learning outcomes into the curriculum development process. Continuous improvement based on assessment results was essential for maintaining high educational standards.
  4. Faculty Involvement and Ownership: Faculty members, being subject matter experts, needed to have a primary role in the curriculum development process. Their involvement ensures that the content remains current and pedagogically sound.
  5. Administrative Coordination: Coordinating curriculum changes across various departments and administrative units required a clear and structured policy. This would prevent duplication of efforts, ensure consistency, and facilitate efficient implementation of changes.

The Curriculum Enhancement Policy at Qatar University is guided by the principle that faculty should have primary responsibility for the content, quality, and effectiveness of the curriculum. Faculty members play a key role at all stages of the process, ensuring the curriculum is well-informed and aligned with institutional goals and external standards. The policy is closely integrated with the Learning Outcome Assessment Process, ensuring continuous improvement based on assessment results. Curriculum changes typically originate with program faculty or the committee responsible for overseeing learning outcomes assessment. The Registrar Office is consulted at the department level to evaluate the impact of proposed changes on students. Curriculum changes are classified into minor changes, requiring final approval by the vice president and chief academic officer, and structural changes, requiring final approval by the Board of Regents.


The implementation of the Curriculum Enhancement Policy has significantly improved the content, quality, and effectiveness of academic programs at Qatar University. Faculty involvement at all stages ensures that curriculum changes are well-informed and aligned with both institutional goals and external standards. An academic plan for courses is established each year through the application of this policy, with the plan finalized a few months before the start of the academic year to determine if courses need to be restructured, initiated, dissolved, or re-initiated. The establishment of various curriculum committees at departmental, college, and university levels has facilitated a structured and comprehensive review process for all curriculum changes. The policy has led to better alignment with market needs and accreditation standards, as evidenced by various programs accredited by American and European bodies, and addresses national priorities, ultimately enhancing the educational experience for students.

For example, publicly available data on approved academic program proposals reveal that numerous recommendations for program restructuring, initiation, re-initiation, or deactivation were successfully processed through the curriculum enhancement process. This demonstrates the effectiveness and success of placing faculty in the primary role in the curriculum development process.



Government and institutional support are crucial for the successful implementation of curriculum enhancement policies. The structured involvement of faculty and administrative units ensures that curriculum changes are thoroughly reviewed and well-coordinated. The policy's emphasis on continuous improvement and alignment with external standards highlights the importance of adaptability and responsiveness to changing educational demands. However, the policy's effectiveness could be compromised in environments with political instability or lack of policy continuity, where long-term planning and consistent support are challenging to maintain.


Qatar University









Curriculum Standardization and Enhancement

Quality and accountability Policies
Created On February 12, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024