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Disability Program | Zambia

Created On March 25, 2024 Last Modified On April 25, 2024
Issue and the global context

According to the 2011 World Report on Disability, there is a global population of children under the age of 14 with disabilities estimated between 93 and 150 million. In Africa, around 6.4% of children in this age group have moderate or severe disabilities, yet less than 10% of all children with disabilities attend school; these estimates are from the time when the intervention was about to be implemented; hence, they are crucial to understanding the context.

Exclusion of children with disabilities from education has significant economic repercussions at various levels, including the family, community, and country. The lack of access to schooling can hinder their ability to earn income and maintain long-term financial stability as adults. Recent studies highlight the positive economic impact of education for children with disabilities. In contrast, excluding persons with disabilities from the labor market can lead to economic losses ranging from 3% to 7% of a country's GDP.


The primary aim of this initiative is to offer technical assistance to the Ministry of General Education (MOGE) in implementing education programs for children with disabilities outlined in the 7th National Development Plan. The project focuses on enhancing teachers' pedagogical skills and knowledge to address the learning requirements of children with disabilities effectively. A series of interconnected activities will be carried out, including reviewing pre-service and in-service teachers' education curricula to identify areas for improvement in inclusive education. Additionally, approximately 50 individuals will undergo training to become proficient in inclusive education pedagogy. The initiative will also involve conducting an audit to assess the availability and utilization of inclusive teaching and learning materials in schools, with subsequent recommendations provided to the MOGE based on the audit findings. Furthermore, the project aims to build the capacity of education managers to support school leadership in inclusive education planning, management, monitoring, and evaluation, as well as raising community awareness of the importance of inclusive education. The total funding allocated for this endeavor is $250,000


The initiative would require extensive and comprehensive monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to ensure the impact of the intervention on the beneficiaries.



Ministry of General Education







Special Education Services

Access and equity policies
Created On February 11, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024