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Education sector support technical assistance

Created On November 24, 2023 Last Modified On April 25, 2024

Initiated as part of the Education Sector Support Technical Assistance, the program aimed to address key challenges within the education sector. These challenges encompassed leadership and management deficiencies, financial management issues, limited access to data for evidence-based planning, and the imperative to enhance professional standards for teachers.


The program delineated specific objectives to tackle these challenges comprehensively. Firstly, it aimed to fortify leadership and management capabilities across all tiers of the education system to enhance service delivery. Concurrently, support was extended to the Ministry of Education to cultivate more robust financial management systems. Efforts were also channeled into augmenting access to data to facilitate evidence-based planning and budgeting. Moreover, initiatives were undertaken to bolster teachers' professional standards, qualifications, and overall capacity.


The program aspired to yield significant improvements within the education sector through these targeted interventions. Reinforcing leadership and management structures aimed to enhance the efficiency and efficacy of service provision. The development of more robust financial management systems sought to ensure efficient allocation and utilization of resources within the Ministry of Education. Improved access to data for evidence-based planning was anticipated to engender more informed decision-making processes. Furthermore, enhancing professional standards for teachers aimed to elevate the quality of education and ultimately enhance student outcomes.



A comprehensive monitoring mechanism is imperative to ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of the program's interventions. Such a mechanism would enable ongoing evaluation of progress toward program objectives, identification of areas necessitating adjustment or additional support, and facilitation of evidence-based decision-making. By closely monitoring implementation progress and impact, stakeholders can ascertain effective resource allocation and realize the desired improvements within the education sector.


School Accreditation & Evaluation Systems

Quality and accountability Policies
Created On February 12, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024