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Educational infrastructure newly constructed

Created On November 25, 2023 Last Modified On March 10, 2024
Context and Issue

Education is a fundamental right for every child, yet millions worldwide are denied quality learning opportunities. Conflicts, displacement, and natural disasters exacerbate this challenge, disrupting education systems and leaving children in vulnerable situations at risk of missing out on their right to education. In response to this pressing issue, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has prioritized constructing educational infrastructure to support the learning needs of displaced and refugee children.


UNHCR's efforts to construct new educational infrastructure aim to provide safe and conducive learning environments for children affected by crises. This initiative involves building classrooms, schools, and educational facilities in refugee camps and host communities. The newly constructed infrastructure is designed to be child-friendly, inclusive, and equipped with essential resources such as desks, chairs, and educational materials.

These educational facilities not only provide physical spaces for learning but also create a sense of normalcy and stability for children who have experienced displacement and trauma. Additionally, UNHCR works closely with local communities, governments, and partners to ensure that the constructed infrastructure aligns with national curricula and educational standards, facilitating the integration of refugee children into local education systems.


The impact of UNHCR's efforts to construct educational infrastructure is far-reaching and multifaceted. In 2020 alone, UNHCR constructed or rehabilitated over 4,500 classrooms across various refugee situations, providing access to education for hundreds of thousands of children. These newly built facilities have created safe havens for learning, enabling children to continue their education despite the challenges posed by displacement and conflict.

In the case of Cameroon, the average classroom-student ratio in the targeted primary in Cameroon improved from 1:50 to 1:35 due to the construction of new classrooms.

Moreover, constructing educational infrastructure has fostered social cohesion and integration between refugee and host communities. Providing equal access to quality education, these initiatives help bridge cultural divides and promote understanding and acceptance among diverse populations.


UNHCR's commitment to constructing educational infrastructure demonstrates a holistic approach to addressing the educational needs of displaced and refugee children. By creating conducive learning environments, this initiative not only facilitates access to education but also contributes to the overall well-being and development of children affected by crises. The newly constructed facilities serve as a motivational factor to empower children with knowledge and skills to build a better future for themselves and their communities.










Outreach Initiatives for Vulnerable and Marginalized

Access and equity policies
Created On February 11, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024