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Flexibility in arragement of language courses

Created On November 23, 2023 Last Modified On June 30, 2024
Context and Issue

The integration of refugees and asylum seekers in education, especially at the school level, is challenging. A lack of understanding of the host's language makes it more difficult for these groups to integrate effectively into the system. Romanian Institute of Educational Sciences (ISE) worked on research to highlight the challenges and obstacles to integrating asylum seekers and refugee children in  Romania. The research provided insight that could explore the solutions that can be used at the school level. 


The solution proposed by the  (ISE) focused on including activities to ensure the training of teachers on diversity and cultural aspects. Another solution identified based on the context was introducing flexibility in organizing the language courses. Lastly, a solution related to the importance of alignment of regulations with access to education for asylum seekers and integrating groups was suggested. 


Since the refugee influx from Ukraine, the government has introduced several integration programs, including courses for adult refugees, to ensure integration in the labor market. However, there is limited academic evidence from Romania regarding the implementation side.


The intervention proposed as a solution highlights the significance of the flexibility of the provision of the language courses. However, there are two key challenges regarding this: the availability of bilingual teachers and trainers and the time flexibility of the language program administration.