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Gateways Initiative

Created On November 25, 2023 Last Modified On May 26, 2024
Context and Issue

Every child, adolescent, and adult should have access to quality education through accessible digital platforms. UNESCO and UNICEF introduced Gateways to Public Digital Learning during the Transforming Education Summit, aiming to provide global support to nations in ensuring fair access to digital learning materials. This initiative involves mapping, describing, and evaluating current public platforms and content, assisting countries in establishing or enhancing national platforms, disseminating effective practices, and establishing global guidelines to steer platform development aligned with national and international educational objectives.


The Gateway initiative aims to assist countries in identifying and seizing national, regional, and global opportunities to enhance education through digital collaboration and unity. The internet presents unparalleled potential for sharing, cooperation, and resource pooling, yet this potential remains largely untapped. The initiative endeavours to leverage these collaborative opportunities to benefit learners, educators, and families within and across borders.

The initiative comprises three main components:

  1. Global Gateway: This component focuses on establishing a global platform to facilitate digital learning resources and collaboration among countries.

  2. Evidence Generation and Best Practices: This aspect involves gathering data and identifying effective strategies to inform decision-making and best practices in digital education.

  3. Norms and Standards: This component aims to establish international norms and standards to guide the development and implementation of digital learning platforms, ensuring alignment with educational goals and principles.


The Gateway initiative represents a proactive response to the evolving education landscape in the digital age. Through its comprehensive approach and emphasis on collaboration, evidence-based practices, and standards-setting, the initiative holds promise for driving positive change and advancing inclusive education globally.


Digital infrastructure is crucial for the implementation of such solutions. It is crucial to understand the operations and experience of this solution in areas where there is a weak internet connection. Another way to make this solution more inclusive could be through developing an offline version of the content. 



Infrastructure for Internet and Device Access

Educational Technology Policies
Created On February 12, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024