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Created On April 29, 2024 Last Modified On May 26, 2024

In Sub-Saharan Africa, access to quality education remains a significant challenge, particularly in areas where a large portion of the population lacks smartphones or internet connectivity. Recognizing this gap, M-Shule has emerged as a transformative solution to provide academic and life skills training to marginal African populations. With a focus on leveraging SMS and WhatsApp, M-Shule aims to reach those often overlooked by traditional educational initiatives.


M-Shule offers an innovative platform that delivers interactive, self-paced micro-courses via SMS and WhatsApp. These micro-courses cover various subjects, including academic topics and essential life skills. By utilizing SMS and WhatsApp, M-Shule ensures accessibility to individuals who may not have access to smartphones or the internet, making learning more inclusive and equitable.

The platform's design emphasizes engagement, allowing learners to progress at their own pace while actively participating in the learning process. Additionally, M-Shule provides tools for assessment and surveying, enabling organizations to evaluate learners' progress, encourage new behaviors, and gather valuable data for analysis.


The impact of M-Shule's approach is profound and far-reaching. By providing access to education and skill-building opportunities through simple feature phones, M-Shule unlocks new possibilities for millions of individuals across Sub-Saharan Africa and beyond. Learners previously excluded from formal education now have the chance to acquire knowledge and develop essential skills that can improve their livelihoods and quality of life.

Moreover, M-Shule's platform facilitates academic learning and the development of critical life skills, empowering individuals to navigate challenges and seize opportunities in their personal and professional lives. Organizations leveraging M-Shule's platform benefit from a comprehensive solution that enables them to support skill development, monitor progress, and gather insights to inform future interventions.


  1. Wide Reach in Kenya: M-Shule has demonstrated a remarkable reach across Kenya, with its platform extending its services to over 20,000 households across more than 30 counties. This widespread adoption indicates the platform's effectiveness in reaching even remote and underserved areas within the country. By catering to diverse linguistic communities, including Dholuo, English, Kamba, Kikuyu, Kiswahili, Ng’aturkana, and Somali, M-Shule ensures accessibility to a broad spectrum of learners, contributing to the democratization of education in Kenya.

  2. Holistic Skill Development: M-Shule's impact extends beyond traditional academic subjects, encompassing skill development across six domains. This holistic approach to education addresses the multifaceted needs of learners, equipping them with essential life skills alongside academic knowledge. By fostering a well-rounded skill set, M-Shule enhances learners' capacity to thrive in various aspects of their personal and professional lives, thereby contributing to socio-economic development in Kenya.

  3. Language Inclusivity and Cultural Relevance: The availability of M-Shule's content in seven languages reflects its commitment to linguistic inclusivity and cultural relevance. By offering courses in local languages such as Dholuo, Kamba, Kikuyu, Kiswahili, Ng’aturkana, and Somali, M-Shule ensures that education is accessible and relatable to learners from diverse linguistic backgrounds. This approach facilitates better understanding and engagement and preserves and promotes indigenous languages and cultural heritage.

  4. Cross-Border Impact: Beyond Kenya, M-Shule's assessment tool has been utilized to assess foundational literacy and numeracy in neighboring countries like Uganda and Tanzania. This cross-border collaboration underscores the scalability and adaptability of M-Shule's platform, which can be tailored to meet the educational needs of diverse contexts within the East African region. By sharing resources and best practices across borders, M-Shule contributes to regional cooperation and collective efforts to improve education outcomes across East Africa.









Student Assessment & Evaluation Tools

Quality and accountability Policies
Created On February 12, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024