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Operation Come to School

Created On March 12, 2024 Last Modified On April 29, 2024
Context and issues

Kenya has faced a significant out-of-school children (OOSC) population, numbering around one million, ranking it eighth globally. While the government's 2003 free primary education policy boosted enrollment, challenges persist with overcrowded classrooms, overwhelmed teachers, and underserved pupils. Completion rates for eight years of basic education hover around 50-60%, with only half of graduates qualifying for secondary school. Regional and socioeconomic disparities exacerbate the issue, with arid districts and North Eastern provinces experiencing higher OOSC rates.


Operation Come to School Kenya targeted this challenge across eight counties and one coastal island. The project adopted a multifaceted approach, including enrollment drives, infrastructural improvements like construction and rehabilitation, teacher training, mobile schooling, a focus on girls' education, and developing a model for nationwide OOSC interventions.


Over four years, the project successfully enrolled 349,460 OOSC in Kenya, surpassing the project's enrollment target by 16%. The project also achieved or exceeded most other targets following a one-year extension and two six-month no-cost extensions. A case study commissioned by EAC on the innovative "Digital Attendance" application, expanded through the project, is underway, with results pending.


The Operation Come to School Kenya project's success in surpassing enrollment targets underscores its effectiveness in addressing Kenya's OOSC challenge. By exceeding expectations and implementing innovative solutions like the Digital Attendance application, the project demonstrates the potential for scalable interventions to improve education access and outcomes for marginalized children in Kenya.









Outreach Initiatives for Vulnerable and Marginalized

Access and equity policies
Created On February 11, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024