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Passport to Earning (P2E)

Created On November 25, 2023 Last Modified On April 28, 2024
Context and Issue

In today’s rapidly changing world of work, many young people are being left behind due to a lack of access to relevant skills and opportunities. This makes it challenging to earn a living and undermines the potential for social and economic progress. The skills required to navigate a stable livelihood are rapidly evolving due to the emergence of new technologies, and youth must have access to the tools and resources required to adapt and thrive.


To address this pressing issue, digital platforms have become powerful tools for empowering youth by providing accessible learning and skill acquisition avenues. One such platform, Passport to Earning (P2E), is designed to bridge this gap specifically for young people, focusing on empowering girls. P2E offers free, world-class, and job-relevant skills training tailored to the needs of individuals aged 15–24, positioning them for employment opportunities in a rapidly changing job market.

Key Insights

P2E stands out for its commitment to providing comprehensive resources curated by diverse stakeholders. These include employers and companies with expertise in talent development, government partners who adapt and certify skilling programs to local contexts, and youth advisers who ensure that offerings align with the aspirations and needs of young people. In its initial three-year phase, P2E aims to skill 10 million young individuals and facilitate decent employment for 10,000 youth, focusing on empowering young women, making up at least 50 percent of beneficiaries.


The emergence of platforms like P2E represents a crucial step towards addressing the skills gap and expanding opportunities for youth globally. By leveraging digital technology and collaborative partnerships, P2E not only equips young people with the skills needed to thrive in today's job market but also fosters inclusivity and gender equality by prioritizing the empowerment of young women. Moreover, P2E's focus on scalability and impact demonstrates its potential to drive meaningful change in the lives of millions of young individuals, contributing to broader social and economic development goals. Continued support and investment in initiatives like P2E are essential for ensuring that all young people have the resources and opportunities to succeed in the digital age.



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Vocational Training & Apprenticeship Programs

Workforce Development & Vocational Education
Created On February 11, 2024 Last Modified On August 22, 2024