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The Primary School Access through Speed Schools (PASS+)

Created On November 25, 2023 Last Modified On April 29, 2024
Context and Issue

Many Out-of-School-Children (OOSC) in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger lack access to education due to various socio-economic factors. This denies them their fundamental right to learn and hampers their overall development.


The Primary School Access through Speed Schools (PASS+) project was launched to address this issue. This initiative offers OOSC a second chance at education through a condensed 9-month Accelerated Education program. The program focuses on the foundational curriculum of the first three years of primary education, providing OOSC with the necessary knowledge and skills to reintegrate into formal schooling.


In total, 4,348 Speed Schools operated throughout the project's duration. By the program's conclusion, 115,138 Out-of-School Children (OOSC) were enrolled, with 49% being girls. A significant portion, 90%, of Speed School attendees participated in the primary school placement exam, with 79% successfully transitioning into primary schools. Remedial classes were arranged to facilitate their integration into formal education, benefiting 86,274 children, including those struggling academically in primary school. Additionally, learning kits were provided to support the educational endeavours of these children.


The analysis underscores the PASS+ project's significant impact in providing educational opportunities for out-of-school children in the targeted regions. The project successfully enrolled many children and facilitated their transition into formal education while ensuring gender parity and providing necessary support mechanisms for their academic success.





Outreach Initiatives for Vulnerable and Marginalized

Access and equity policies
Created On February 11, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024