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Quality education strategic support programme

Created On November 25, 2023 Last Modified On April 29, 2024
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With Ethiopia's economy on a growth trajectory and the government implementing its national development plan, there's a pressing need for skill development and educational opportunities. Drawing on our extensive 77-year history in education, we've partnered with the Ethiopian Ministry of Education (MoE) since 2014 to enhance the quality of education through technical assistance, management support, and flexible funding.


The Quality Education Strategic Support Programme (QESSP), focuses on capacity building, policy dialogue, and evidence-based improvements in education. The program fostered innovation and rapid learning by piloting projects in teacher education, school leadership, curriculum development, and system strengthening. Notable initiatives include school improvement measures in the Amhara region and leadership capacity development projects.


Through the UK's financial support, the program empowered the Ethiopian MoE and regional education stakeholders with the tools to plan, implement, and evaluate quality education programs. QESSP has provided extensive technical assistance, completed significant studies, and trained thousands of beneficiaries directly. Noteworthy achievements include launching a national digital data collection system, implementing a Teacher Workforce Management Framework, and conducting pioneering research on technology use in Ethiopian secondary schools.


The collaboration with international and Ethiopian partners, including Adam Smith International and NFER, has facilitated knowledge exchange and showcased expertise. It was reported by 2020 that the UK aims to be recognized as a critical partner in Ethiopia's education and societal development journey. QESSP has strengthened partnerships and underscored the importance of local ownership and engagement for sustainable impact in education.




Adam Smith International Ark Education Partnerships Group Delivery Associates Ecorys International Others | NFER, NILE and Transform ELT, Oxford Policy Management and the University of Bradford.









Equip people with skills for innovation

Created On May 28, 2006 Last Modified On July 7, 2024

Human capital is the essence of innovation. Empowering people to innovate relies on broad and relevant education as well as on the development of wide-ranging skills that complement formal education.

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