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Reconstruction & Rehabilitation of Education Institutions Affected by the Beirut Port Explosion

Created On November 25, 2023 Last Modified On August 22, 2024

As Lebanon embarked on rebuilding its education system after the devastating port explosion, this collaborative initiative took the lead in spearheading the rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts. The primary objective was to ensure uninterrupted learning opportunities and uphold the right to education for vulnerable children and youth affected by the disaster.


The joint initiative (Educate A Child & UNESCO) concentrated on rehabilitating and reconstructing critical educational infrastructure across Lebanon, including 55 public schools, 20 Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions, and three prominent universities: the American University of Beirut, Saint Joseph University, and Lebanese University. These efforts aim to restore and enhance the educational facilities that were severely impacted, ensuring that students at all levels—from primary education to higher learning—have access to safe, functional, and well-equipped environments to continue their studies.


This comprehensive effort can potentially revitalize Lebanon's educational infrastructure, enabling affected schools, vocational institutions, and universities to resume operations. By promptly addressing the physical damage caused by the explosion, the initiative aims to ensure the continuity of students' learning and access to quality education. However, limited information is available on how these targets have been met.


Understanding the complex social dynamics within Lebanese communities is crucial for the success of this initiative. A deep awareness of the local context, including societal norms, cultural values, and community needs, will be key in tailoring the reconstruction efforts effectively. By incorporating these insights into the planning and implementation phases, the initiative can more effectively address the diverse challenges faced by different communities, thereby maximizing its impact on Lebanon's educational recovery.


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Created On February 11, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024