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Satya Bharti Schools

Created On March 11, 2024 Last Modified On May 26, 2024
Context and Issue

In response to the Right to Education Act in India, which guarantees free education for all children aged 6-14, various stakeholders, including the government, non-governmental organizations, and civil society, have come together to ensure its implementation. One notable initiative is the Satya Bharti Schools project, which aims to enhance enrollment and retention rates among marginalized children. This project focuses on providing quality primary education to out-of-school children (OOSC) through a two-fold strategy.


The Satya Bharti Schools project employs a comprehensive approach to maximize its impact. Firstly, it leverages existing infrastructure, such as the 254 Satya Bharti Schools spread across multiple states, including Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu. Through targeted enrollment drives and community campaigns, the project aims to raise awareness about the importance of education and increase student enrollment. This initiative targets reaching 6,500 students annually.

Secondly, the project extends support to government schools by assisting in the enrollment and retention of OOSC. Remedial education is provided not only to newly enrolled OOSC but also to students in government schools struggling academically or at risk of dropping out. This approach demonstrates a cost-effective model of supporting government schools while mainstreaming OOSC into the education system.


The Satya Bharti Schools project has achieved remarkable outcomes, surpassing its targets: 30,841 at-risk or out-of-school children have been enrolled in Grades I to V across 249 Satya Bharti Schools. In contrast, 21,499 previously enrolled students, including those advancing to higher grades, continue their education. Additionally, 22,987 out-of-school children have successfully reintegrated into government schools, reflecting the project's effective outreach. Moreover, 21,680 out-of-school children have been integrated into age-appropriate grades after completing condensed courses, underscoring the project's efficacy in promoting educational advancement.


The Satya Bharti Schools project exemplifies a multi-pronged approach to addressing the challenges of educational access and retention among marginalized children in India. By leveraging existing infrastructure and collaborating with government schools, the project increases enrollment and supports academic progression and retention. The success of this initiative highlights the importance of community engagement, targeted interventions, and a holistic approach to achieving educational equity.









Cost-Efficiency Policies

Funding & Finance Policies
Created On February 11, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024