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Schools for Angola

Created On March 17, 2024 Last Modified On April 29, 2024
Context and Issue

Having emerged from a devastating 27-year civil war, Angola, a former Portuguese colony in southern Africa, faced extreme socio-economic challenges. The conflict-ravaged infrastructure and resulted in significant loss of life, internal displacement, and refugee flows. Consequently, a majority of Angolans endure poverty, residing in urban slums or rural areas lacking essential services like healthcare and education. The aftermath of war left many children without access to schooling, perpetuating cycles of illiteracy and deprivation.


In collaboration with EAC, RISE International embarks on a transformative initiative to construct schools in Angola's Benguela, BiƩ, and Luanda provinces. Over two-and-a-half years, the project aimed to enroll 24,000 out-of-school children (OOSC) and establish 25 new schools by focusing on regions deeply affected by conflict, poverty, and disease. RISE International endeavors to bridge educational disparities through infrastructure provision and essential resources. Partnering with local authorities, the project ensures the availability of educational materials and recruits qualified teachers, fostering an environment conducive to learning.


RISE International tracks project milestones, including school construction, student enrollment, and retention rates. Despite initial funding delays and challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the project achieves its target by going beyond the enrollment of  28,784 OOSC and completing the construction of 26 schools, exceeding targets by 120%. Notably, the initiative achieves a remarkable 90.2% retention rate, highlighting the community's educational commitment. By handing over schools to local authorities, RISE International reinforces sustainability and promotes government investment in education, catalyzing long-term socio-economic development.



The project's innovative financing model, blending domestic and international funding with corporate contributions, set a precedent for future initiatives. This public-private partnership enhances resource mobilization and fosters community ownership and government accountability. Beyond educational outcomes, the project elevates local infrastructure and instills community hope, signaling a promising trajectory toward prosperity and resilience in post-conflict Angola.




RISE International







Resource Allocation Models (e.g., per-pupil funding)

Funding & Finance Policies
Created On February 11, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024