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Six-Month Labor Market Oriented Course Scholarship Program (LMP)

Created On June 8, 2024 Last Modified On June 27, 2024

Context and Issues

The Syrian conflict has displaced millions, creating a significant refugee population in neighboring countries like Jordan. Many Syrian refugees, along with vulnerable Jordanians, struggle to find employment due to a mismatch between their skills and labor market needs. The lack of targeted technical and vocational training exacerbates unemployment and poverty among these groups. Additionally, the Jordanian labor market has specific regulations and constraints, limiting access to high-skilled job sectors for refugees and necessitating targeted workforce development to support economic growth.


The Six-Month Labor Market Oriented Course Scholarship Program (LMP), implemented by Luminus Technical University College (LTUC) in Jordan under the EDU-SYRIA III initiative, addresses these challenges by preparing 170 Syrian refugees and 80 vulnerable Jordanians for the labor market. The program aims to bridge the gap between the output of Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET) centers and labor market needs through market readiness training programs.

The LMP offers various up-to-date training programs based on comprehensive market research completed in collaboration with the Amman Chamber of Industry, Amman Chamber of Commerce, and the Technical & Vocational Skills Development (TVSD) Commission. The selected training programs, designed to be completed in six months, include:

  • Computerized Decoration and Carpentry
  • Cooling & Air Conditioning Engineering
  • Electrical Installations and Control Machines
  • Industrial Fashion Design
  • Mobile Phone Maintenance

Enrollees receive a stipend of €500 to mitigate financial challenges during their study period. They also have access to LTUC’s library, equipped with the latest knowledge resources, and a dedicated study space called the EDU-SYRIA Corner for collaboration and project work.


The Six-Month Labor Market Oriented Course Scholarship Program (LMP) significantly impacts social cohesion and economic integration in Jordan by promoting the inclusion of Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanians in the labor market. By addressing the specific needs of different target groups, including women, youth, and people with disabilities, the program ensures a more equitable distribution of resources and opportunities, contributing to social justice and reducing potential conflicts. This comprehensive approach, informed by ongoing evaluations and assessments, allows the program to remain responsive to the evolving needs and aspirations of its participants, ultimately supporting their integration and empowerment within Jordanian society. The LMP enhances the employability and career prospects of both Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanians by providing them with industry-specific skills and knowledge. Key impacts include the development of practical and theoretical skills that align with labor market demands, facilitating economic integration and stability. By equipping participants with market-ready skills, the program enhances their contribution to the economy and supports the most disadvantaged groups in society. Additionally, the program aligns with the Jordan Compact agreement, promoting the employment of Syrian refugees in specific sectors and supporting broader economic policies and international agreements.



The Six-Month Labor Market Oriented Course Scholarship Program (LMP) in Jordan meets the criteria for "Industry-Specific Training Programs" by providing targeted training that aligns with industry needs, such as manufacturing, construction, and technical services. Through comprehensive market research and collaboration with industry bodies, the program ensures relevant and up-to-date training.

Participants gain practical, market-ready skills, enhancing their employability and enabling them to enter the workforce immediately. Financial support and access to educational resources help mitigate financial barriers during training. The program also aligns with the Jordan Compact agreement, promoting the employment of Syrian refugees in specific sectors and supporting broader economic policies










Industry-​​​​​​​Specific  Training Programs

Workforce Development & Vocational Education
Created On February 11, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024