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Created On August 3, 2024 Last Modified On August 5, 2024

Context and Issue

As of 2023, the number of people without internet access globally has decreased to approximately 2.6 billion, down from 2.7 billion in 2022, according to DigWatch: Geneva Internet Platform. While 67 percent of the world’s population, or 5.4 billion people, are now online, a significant digital divide persists, especially in low-income countries where less than one-third of the population has internet access. Despite a 17 percent increase in internet users in these regions over the past year, the majority remain disconnected from the digital world, limiting their access to crucial digital resources and opportunities. In resource-constrained areas, challenges such as unreliable internet and electricity, high costs, and limited access through mobile phones hinder the development of information literacy and digital skills among first-time technology users. SolarSPELL addresses these challenges by providing localized content and teaching digital skills, helping bridge the digital divide and enhance educational opportunities in underserved communities.


The SolarSPELL initiative by Arizona State University offers a solar-powered, offline digital library that provides localized educational content to resource-constrained communities without reliable internet access. The platform helps users develop digital skills and information literacy by offering access to preloaded content, such as educational materials and resources, without needing an internet connection. This way, SolarSPELL prepares users for future internet use when connectivity becomes available, rather than providing internet access itself. Each unit features a solar panel, battery, and microserver housed in a rugged case, creating a self-sufficient system capable of hosting a local WiFi hotspot. This allows up to 25 users to connect simultaneously without internet access. The user-friendly interface, accessible via any WiFi-capable device, offers a wealth of educational resources in multiple languages, organized by subjects like health, education, and agriculture and enriched with metadata for easy navigation. The initiative employs a train-the-trainer model to ensure local leaders and educators can effectively spread digital literacy within their communities. Continuous monitoring and feedback-driven updates ensure the libraries meet evolving educational needs, maintaining relevance and supporting sustainable development in underserved regions.


The SolarSPELL initiative has significantly enhanced access to education and digital literacy across 15 countries, directly impacting approximately 300,000 people. This program has successfully implemented digital libraries that house over 45,000 resources, tailored to local needs in sectors such as education, health, and agriculture. Training has reached over 960 individuals, equipping communities with the skills necessary to utilize these resources effectively. In specific examples like South Sudan, the initiative led to profound improvements in educational outcomes, with 100% of teachers reporting increased preparedness and a noticeable rise in student engagement and attendance rates. Moreover, significant enhancements in digital literacy were reported, with 70% of students showing substantial improvement. Ongoing feedback mechanisms ensure continuous adaptation and refinement of the libraries, ensuring that SolarSPELL remains responsive to the evolving needs of its users. These results underscore SolarSPELL's critical role in bridging the digital divide and fostering sustainable development in underserved areas.



The SolarSPELL initiative tackles major challenges like unreliable internet and electricity in remote areas but still faces obstacles that could affect the quality of education. These include technological literacy for first-time users, ensuring content relevance across different languages and cultures, and maintaining hardware in tough environments. The success of the program also heavily depends on the quality of local trainers and the availability of sustainable funding. Despite these issues, SolarSPELL's modular design, open-access content, strong partnerships, and ability to adapt to local needs highlight its potential for scalability. By improving training and maintenance protocols, SolarSPELL aims to extend its reach and continue addressing the global digital divide.


Student Assessment & Evaluation Tools

Quality and accountability Policies
Created On February 12, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024