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Support for Out of School Children (TCF Schools)

Created On March 11, 2024 Last Modified On April 29, 2024
Context and Issue

Pakistan is grappling with a severe education crisis, hosting a significant portion of the global out-of-school children (OOSC) population. Weak management, corruption, and political interference have hindered the public education system's effectiveness, leading to inadequate infrastructure and chronic teacher absenteeism. As a result, access to safe and affordable schooling, particularly for the poor, is severely limited. Many government-run schools lack proper buildings, boundary walls, water, and electricity. This disparity has fueled a reliance on private schools, leaving many low-income families without access to quality education.


Through support from the EAC, The Citizens Foundation (TCF) is addressing the OOSC crisis by enrolling them in primary education at TCF schools nationwide. The project aims to enroll approximately 18,000 to 23,000 OOSC annually, totaling 82,710 children over four years. Key initiatives include community mobilization, door-to-door canvassing, income assessment for scholarship determination, parent-teacher meetings, hiring community-based staff, and involving mothers in adult literacy programs like Aagahi to serve as volunteer teacher assistants. TCF's efforts are complemented by support from various charities, individual donors, and corporate partners, extending the duration of education for enrolled children beyond the project period.


The project has demonstrated significant success, achieving enrollment targets by 7% and enrolling 88,292 students. TCF's comprehensive approach included faculty training, procurement of school supplies, and infrastructure maintenance, benefiting students across 58 districts in Pakistan. The EAC's matching funds further supported students' education until grade 5. This initiative provided OOSC with access to education and enhanced the overall quality of schooling through infrastructure improvements and staff training.


TCF's collaboration with EAC and other partners has effectively addressed Pakistan's education crisis. By employing innovative strategies such as door-to-door canvassing and involving local communities, TCF successfully enrolled and retained many OOSCs. The project's emphasis on sustainability, demonstrated through continued support beyond the project period, ensures a lasting impact. TCF's commitment to education equity and quality, supported by collaborative partnerships, underscores the importance of multifaceted approaches in tackling education challenges in Pakistan.




The Citizens Foundation (TCF)







Outreach Initiatives for Vulnerable and Marginalized

Access and equity policies
Created On February 11, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024