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Support to transformative in service teachers training

Created On November 25, 2023 Last Modified On April 28, 2024
Context and Issue

In addressing the issue of training  university teachers and TEVT trainers at the federal and State levels, the project will create long-term internal capacity and sustain the major functions of planning, management, training, and evaluation necessary for skills development in Sudan.


The project's main goal is to improve education and training by enhancing skills development and utilizing technology. Specifically, the project aims to strengthen capacity within the education and training sector, enabling it to effectively manage and deliver high-quality skills essential for the Sudanese economy. The project's three components include 1)  Support to Capacity Building for Improved Quality Education. 2) Improving the Teaching and Training Conditions in the TVE Institutions and 3) Project Management.

Expected Impact

The project is expected to improve (i) the quality of secondary education and TEVT by increasing the number of qualified teachers to 75% and up-grade the management skills of education and training policymakers, leading to an institutionalization of the core skills development functions and (ii) the training and learning conditions in the beneficiary technical and vocational education (TVE) institutions for boys and girls in Sudan.



The existing quality of teaching resources will have an impact on the implementation of such solutions


Technology Training for Teachers and Students

Educational Technology Policies
Created On February 12, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024