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Teacher in Crisis Context training

Created On November 20, 2023 Last Modified On April 28, 2024
Context and Issue 

Between September 2018 and March 2020, Concern executed an Education in Emergencies initiative funded by ECHO in Northern Syria. This program aimed to provide children affected by the Syrian crisis access to high-quality education within a secure learning environment. It supported formal and non-formal education services, with particular attention to identifying and preparing out-of-school children to transition to safe formal education. Developing a human resource to understand the crisis context within this context was crucial.


The teachers in rehabilitated schools received training based on core elements of the Teacher in Crisis Context (TiCC) training modules. The Training Pack for Primary School Teachers in Crisis Contexts is intended to build basic teaching competencies for unqualified or underqualified teachers often recruited to teach in refugee/IDP camps and other emergency settings.


Formal school programming increased access to education for over 10,000 children by rehabilitating schools to ensure children's safety and inclusivity of gender and disability. This was complemented with training focusing on pedagogy methods to identify children with protection issues, classroom structure, and teaching and learning materials for teachers and pupils alike. The evaluation found the results related to learning outcomes and improved access to safe learning environments to be exceptional and the program's overall impact outstanding.



Capacity building of teachers in conflict areas is crucial; however, the project's sustainability requires understanding the intervention's impact in the long run. Moreover, adequate translation of  Teacher in Crisis Context (TiCC) training modules in the local language is crucial for implementation.



Syrian Arab Republic







Outreach Initiatives for Vulnerable and Marginalized

Access and equity policies
Created On February 11, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024