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Teacher Policy Development Guide

Created On November 24, 2023 Last Modified On April 28, 2024
Context and Issue

There has been a continuous effort by educational experts and international organizations in education to ensure widespread access to high-quality and fair education through improvement in teaching standards. The formulation of the ILO/UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers (1966), henceforth referred to as the 1966 Recommendation, by government officials and education experts was underpinned by the belief that educational progress mainly hinges on the qualifications and capabilities of the teaching workforce as a whole, as well as the personal, pedagogical, and technical attributes of individual teachers.


UNESCO's Teacher's Policy Development Guide aims to support national policymakers, decision-makers, and education administrators in crafting a well-informed teacher policy that seamlessly integrates into national education sector plans or policies, ensuring alignment with overarching national development plans and strategies.

The Guide aims to:

1) Present an overview of teacher-related policy dimensions and issues that need to be considered when elaborating a national teacher policy and how they are interrelated;

2) Outline policy responses that need to be considered; 

3) Suggest steps to elaborate and implement a national teacher policy




Teacher development guides are useful instruments to ensure improvement in the quality of education. However, support from the educational system is crucial to enforce the implementation and harmonization of the policy at a national level. 








Teacher Professional Development Programs

Quality and accountability Policies
Created On February 12, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024