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Whole-school careers education and guidance education

Created On November 25, 2023 Last Modified On May 26, 2024

In collaboration with the Ministry of Education Jordan, INJAZ, and Education for Employment (EFE), the Education Development Trust initiated the Future Ready careers education pilot in Jordan. This intervention aimed to implement a comprehensive career education and guidance program within schools.


The Future Ready pilot, conducted over 12 weeks from February to June 2022, targeted grade 9 students in Amman and Zarqa. It encompassed various components of effective career education and guidance, including one-on-one or group careers counseling, integration of careers learning into subject curriculums, experiential learning through co- and extra-curricular activities, and dissemination of labor market information and educational pathways options.


Throughout the pilot, surveys and interviews were conducted to assess the program's process and impact. The findings highlighted positive outcomes across various aspects, particularly in developing career management skills among students. Moreover, the intervention showed promising results in fostering motivation for learning and challenging gender stereotypes regarding suitable career choices.


The results of the Future Ready careers education pilot underscore the effectiveness of a holistic approach to career guidance within the educational setting. The program equips students with essential career management skills by integrating multiple components such as counseling, experiential learning, and labor market information. It addresses broader societal issues such as gender stereotypes. Moving forward, the success of this pilot suggests the potential for scaling up similar initiatives to promote career readiness and socio-economic empowerment among youth in Jordan. 


Career Counselling & Job Placement Services

Higher Education & Lifelong Learning Policies
Created On February 11, 2024 Last Modified On July 7, 2024